The Military Wives Association of Kenya (MWAK) is a non-profit association, registered on January 8, 2021, under Section 10 of the Societies Act and inaugurated on March 17, 2021.
The association’s membership is voluntary for wives of KDF personnel. Membership is for all spouses of KDF personnel regardless of ranks.
In line with the MWAK Constitution, the top leadership of the association corresponds to the positions of respective spouses in KDF. As such, office holders for Chairperson and Vice-By virtue of their status as spouses of the Chief of Defence Forces and Vice Chief of Defence Forces, respectively. Other office bearers are drawn from the membership.
MWAK members have diverse expertise and are eager to deliver impact through MWAK operations and strategies.
MWAK was founded as a vehicle for interaction and the exchange of ideas to serve as a support system to KDF families complementing mainstream KDF Compensation and Welfare (C&W) programs are based on the premise that a soldier performs best when he is assured that his family is well taken care of.
The C & W department handles all the social Welfare matters of the military personnel. It is envisioned that MWAK will be playing a complementary role to that of the department and will therefore be a natural partner to the department.

Who we are

Our vision is to promote the well-being of KDF families, those serving, retired, Widows, and Orphans.

The mission of MWAK is to improve the holistic quality of life for every Kenyan military family through advocacy, innovative programming, and dynamic and relevant solutions.

Core Values
MWAK has adopted a set of values that underpin its priorities, attitudes and perspectives.
These values are:
These values are:
To empower KDF families on specific issues.
A dedication to the Association’s mission through active participation.
Providing non-discriminatory service.
Leadership Guide and facilitate others to make a positive difference in their
Purpose to do the right thing all the time.
Working closely together and collaborate with others.