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Mrs Tabitha Kibochi
Chair, Military Wives Association of Kenya

The first Military Wives Association of Kenya Strategic Plan 2021 -2025 is a synthesized management tool that will align the association into making measurable progress and achieving its vision of promoting the well-being of Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) families.


Having had the privilege of accompanying the Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) to various countries on his tours of duty, I experienced and witnessed firsthand the immense impact military wives can achieve through synergistic collaboration.


A number of us have been part of Kenya Defence Forces family for over 30 years, yet strangers to each other. Bringing us together in a meaningful and purposeful way, I realized could help us promote programs and activities that will positively impact the unique military families life in different ways.


Registered on 8th of January 2021 and inaugurated in March 2021, MWAK was established to augment the official functions of Compensation and Welfare Department of Kenya Defence Forces. MWAK largely depends on the goodwill it enjoys from KDF leadership, KDF fraternity and the enthusiasm of its members who bring in a wide range of professional skills, diversity of thought and talent to successfully undertake its activities.


In establishing the critical needs or gaps affecting welfare of KDF families, MWAK used the Rapid Assessment approach during the visits to medical centers and all KDF sponsored schools in the 23 units, bases and formations. This gave us an understanding of where our interventions would have impact,hence the development of six focus action areas: health, mentorship, education, veteran affairs, housing and recreation. In the Strategic Plan, we refer to these action areas as pillars. This being the first strategic plan, we choose to Foreword


THE MILITARY WIVES ASSOCIATION OF KENYA (MWAK) remain selective and endeavor to focus on areas where we can make the greatest impact in improving the welfare of KDF families.


Our health pillar focuses on maternal and child care both from a curative and preventive angle. Lobbying for the continuous improvement of health services will be critical for MWAK during this strategic plan period.


Education gives people the chance to change life for the better. We will support the System with welfare matters that will make KDF sponsored schools institutions of excellence. We encourage improvement and establishment of schools for the differently abled learners to enable them maximize their learning capability.


MWAK will support the provision of appropriate structured mentorship programs for KDF personnel and their families. These will include but not limited to entrepreneurship development and general life skills for women, widows and the youth.


Sustainable, decent and affordable housing is a challenge acknowledged and being addressed by the President and the Chief of Defence Forces. We will support the System by educating wives of military personnel on the importance of keeping the houses and their environment well maintained.


In retirement, it is important that veterans continue to live in honour and dignity after their service to the Nation. Through engagement with spouses of KDF veterans, MWAK will identify and propose to KDF leadership solutions for effective transition from active military duty to civilian life for veterans.


Through its wellness and recreation program, MWAK will promote the coming together of families for support through recreational activities that build a strong and supportive KDF community. MWAK will also seek to engage in activities that will generate income streams for the association as well as strategic engagement and partnerships with institutions, “friends of MWAK” for funding raising and in-kind contributions.


Mrs Tabitha Kibochi
Chair, Military Wives Association of Kenya