Members of the Military Wives Association of Kenya (MWAK) conducted an educational mentor-ship outreach for the Moi Forces Academy (MFA)-Mombasa, the Kenya Navy Primary School and the Mariakani Garrison Primary School in the Coast region on 29 July 2022.
Presided over by the MWAK Chairperson Mrs. Tabitha Kibochi, the outreach covered topics on personal development, professional development, pillars of education as well as spiritual matters.
In her speech during the event, Mrs. Kibochi encouraged the students to put more effort in their school work in order to achieve their dreams as the future leaders of the society.
‘‘Nothing good comes easy. For you to perform excellently in your exams, as well as in life you must put a lot of effort.’ said Mrs Kibochi.
On the same platform, Dr. Mary Odhiambo asserted the need for proper time management noting that the length of the school terms have been altered by the Covid -19 Pandemic thus the need to plan one’s time wisely.
Speaking to the pupils in the Kenya Navy Primary School, Mrs. Grace Amogola, a member of the MWAK, urged the pupils to avoid any indiscipline behaviors that might derail them from achieving their goals. She added that obedience, hard work and positive attitude should be embraced by any pupil who wants to perform exemplarily.
The MWAK team later, donated books, lockers and desks to the Kenya Navy Primary and the Mariakani Garrison Primary School and awarded the top performers and most improved students in the MFA.
The team was joined by the Kenya Navy Base Mtongwe Deputy Base Commander Colonel Fenton Musembi and Colonel (Fr) George Maingi.