The Military Wives Association of Kenya (MWAK) in partnership with Family Bank Group Foundation made preliminary site visit at Lang’ata barracks, in preparation for rolling out Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) programs for the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) families.
MWAK together with Family Bank Group Foundation, are looking to sponsor up to fifty three children of KDF personnel to a three months TVET program, with an aim of equipping them with hands on skills, so that they can be self reliant and open to business and job opportunities.
Speaking during the site visit, MWAK head of partnership and collaboration PILLAR, Mrs. Grace Amogola, underscored the importance of family in the community and further affirmed MWAK’s commitment in looking out for the welfare of the KDF families. “ We value family and we want to give back to the KDF community,” she added.
Executive Director Family Bank Group Foundation, Mr. John Waimiri, expressed his enthusiasm in the entire program, highlighting how elated he was in extending their partnership with MWAK, having earlier in the year sponsored five hundred students for similar skills.
Mr.Waimiri stated that they are ready to equip the youths with the necessary skills to be self sufficient, and in return transform lives. He also encouraged them to seize the opportunity.
On the same platform, Lieutenant Colonel Frankline Omuse – SO1 Compesation, DHQ Compensation & Welfare Department welcomed the move by MWAK and Family Bank, adding that the program will be beneficial to the families and the KDF community at large.
He further thanked the team for having given them this opportunity stating that they are looking forward to kick start the program.
“This is a noble idea that will guarantee jobs to our youth and will in turn help their families and the KDF community.” Said Lieutenant Colonel Omuse.
The training is set to officially start from 15 March 2023. Family Bank Group Foundation is looking to roll out Electrical Engineering and Plumbing courses.