The Commander Kenya Air Force Major General Fatuma Ahmed on 1 August presided over the graduation ceremony of the 2nd Cohort of Tufuzu Youth Entrepreneurship Development Program at Moi Air Base.
The program co sponsored by MWAK and Family Bank Foundation saw a total of 48 students dependants of KDF personnel graduate with skills in plumbing and electrical work.
Major General Fatuma Ahmed lauded the graduates for the significant milestone and dedication showcased throughout the training. She further appreciated MWAK and the Family Group Foundation for the partnership of making a social economic change for the youths in order to contribute to the development of the nation.
“I’d like to motivate you to use those skills and make positive impact to the community and the world at large. This is just the beginning, learning never ends. Always strive to gain more skills and knowledge in your field.”
Similarly, MWAK Chairlady Grace Kahariri congratulated the students for the effort put in throughout their three months training noting that the three months of internship will broaden their chances of both corporate and self- employment.
“I believe that as you go to the field you will put into practice the theory and practical skills you have been taught in class. The three-month industrial attachment will equip you with confidence and practical experience required to penetrate the job market in the vibrant construction industry.”
The graduates were awarded certificates accredited by NITA and National Construction Authority of Kenya. They were also provided with toolkits which will assist them to transit into the job market.
The first cohort of KDF dependents graduated in June last year with a majority of them drawn from Kenya Army dependants while the current cohort was mainly drawn from Kenya Airforce dependants bringing it to a total of 98 beneficiaries of the initiative. Due to its success, MWAK and the Family Bank Foundation intend to run a similar program for the Dependants of the Kenya Navy personnel in the near future.
MWAK remains steadfast in it’s commitment to foster the empowerment of KDF dependants both socially and in the educational sector.
MAB Base Commander Brigadier Bernard Oluoch, Senior Officers, Family Bank Foundation representatives, MWAK members and KDF families were present.